• CT scanner

Wildbore Vetstop is one of a handful of first opinion veterinary hospitals in the UK to be able to offer a CT service to our clients. Our 16 slice GE CT scanner allows us to reach a more accurate diagnosis quicker, resulting in a faster recovery for your pet. Contact us for more information about CT Scanner referrals.

How does CT work?

Unlike conventional x-ray systems that use a single x-ray beam to produce a 2-dimensional image, a CT (computed tomography) scanner uses a rotating x-ray head producing multiple x-ray beams, which essentially capture slices of the body part being scanned. These images are then processed by advanced computer software, to allow the vet to reconstruct a computer model of the part of the patient that is being scanned.

What can CT scanning be used for?

CT scanning allows us to visualise 3-dimensional images in great detail, which is particularly useful for parts of the body where conventional radiography can’t show us multiple sides. Essentially taking slices of the area being scanned, CT scanning allows us to see inside the nasal cavity, chest, and joints like the elbow.

Below is a list of some of the common conditions where CT scanning may be useful:

  • Diseases of joints especially the elbow
  • Nasal cavity problems such as aspergillosis or nasal tumours
  • Investigation of thoracic or mediastinal diseases
  • Planning surgical procedures such as fracture repair
  • Middle ear disease
  • Staging of neoplastic disease (cancer)
  • Portosystemic shunts
  • Specialist interpretation

It takes many years of advanced training to be fully competent in interpreting the images obtained from CT scanning. Our images will be digitally sent to specialist radiographers around the world for interpretation, who will provide a detailed report of your pet’s scan within 1-3 days. In emergency situations, reports can be obtained within an hour of the scan.

Refer a case today!

Are there any risks from CT scans?

Similar to X-ray, CT scanning uses radiation to produce images of your pet’s anatomy. We therefore need to make sure that there is good reason to be using CT for each patient. There is a small risk associated with sedation or general anaesthesia required to allow positioning of the patient, one of our vets will discuss this with you if your pet requires a CT scan.

Contact us for more information about our CT Scanner

Wildbore Vetstop Veterinary Hospital

footer icon locationTurner Road,Worksop,Nottinghamshire,S81 7AE

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footer icon telephoneNormal opening hours:

Mon to Fri: 8.00am – 7.00pm Sat: 9.00am – 4.00pm Sun: 9.00am – 4.00pm (emergencies only)

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